
A script to turn images minimalistic

Posted on December 15, 2018

This script works by using intensity thresholding to choose how to color certain areas of the image. It intelligently divides the image into regions, and paints the regions with the average RGB values present there.


clc;clear;close all
image = 'climb.jpg';
% There is a bit of hyperparameter tuning with this script. the
% smooth_factor represents how much to smooth the intensity histogram, and
% the peak_prom is the prominence of valleys in the intensity histogram to
% treat as a separate bin.
smooth_factor = 20;
peak_prom = 10000;

Load the Image

im = imread(image);
% im = rot90(im,-1); % Some images need to be rotated
im_gray = rgb2gray(im); % Convert to grayscale


Create a histogram of intensity values and smooth it.

[counts,binLocations] = imhist(im_gray);
c = smooth(counts,smooth_factor);

Identify Bins

symm = [flipud(c);c; flipud(c)];
[~,loc] = findpeaks(symm,'MinPeakProminence',peak_prom);
peaks = loc(loc-256 >0 & loc-256<=256)-256;
symm = max(symm)-symm;
[~,loc] = findpeaks(symm,'MinPeakProminence',peak_prom);
valleys = loc(loc-256 >= 0 & loc-256<=256)-256;
if valleys(1) == 0
    valleys(1) = 1;
endif valleys(end) ~= 256
    valleys = [valleys; 256];
endif peaks(1) == 0
    peaks(1) = 1;
endif peaks(end) ~= 256
    peaks = [peaks; 256];

ind = valleys;

Average RGB Values

new_im = im;
r = new_im(:,:,1);
g = new_im(:,:,2);
b = new_im(:,:,3);
new_r = r;
new_g = g;
new_b = b;

for i = 1:length(ind)-1
    t1 = (ind(i)-1);
    t2 = (ind(i+1)-1);
    img = im_gray > t1 & im_gray < t2;
    mask = not(logical(img));
    r_i = r(mask);
    g_i = g(mask);
    b_i = b(mask);
    cols = [mean(r_i) mean(g_i) mean(b_i)];
    new_r(mask) = cols(1);
    new_g(mask) = cols(2);
    new_b(mask) = cols(3);

new_im(:,:,1) = new_r;
new_im(:,:,2) = new_g;
new_im(:,:,3) = new_b;


Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 25% 
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 25% 

Published with MATLABĀ® R2018a